About Me...

 Hello, My name is Christine. I am 46 yrs old, was married for 21 yrs. and  have 3 beautiful children. I have just re-started my life a few yrs. ago. I have begun living, rediscovering myself, learning to love myself and building self-confidence. It has been a journey!  I always have had a creative side in my life, I admired art, but felt I lacked the talent to do it. Then one day I took a class with my best friend. We had to draw a nude lady. I didn't think I could do it, I never could draw before. But I decided to try, to feel the shapes and lines of her poses and draw what I felt. Afterward, when my work was viewed by others, they had compliments of my abstract designs. It really sparked a new interest for me. I really wanted to try more drawing, sketching and eventually painting. So one day I took the leap and started painting. I loved playing with shapes and colors and putting it on canvas. When I paint I must play music, it inspires my designs. I hope you enjoy my art as much as I do.

Questions? email me... christineannettedesigns@gmail.com

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.



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